Thursday, September 11, 2008


A couple of things

Sharon Doubiago is one of the poets whose work has, for many years, been most important to me, to my conception of how I want to write, and in my thinking about what poetry is and can be. Sharon is, as well, a longtime friend. Though we see each other face to face only at long intervals, when our lives happen to land us in the same city for a few days, we've kept up a long and endlessly enriching conversation, for many years by paper mail, and more recently by e-mail. I can't now imagine my life, and certainly not my life as a poet, without her being part of it.

Cruising around the web this evening I came across a few poems by Sharon Doubiago, in the online literary magazine, Big Bridge. Sharon's poems are here.

Big Bridge has much else in it that is highly worth reading. The main page for their website is here.

If you're not familiar with Sharon Doubiago's poetry, and if (after reading the sample at the above link) you want to go find more of it, a good place to start might be her book Hard Country, published by West End Press originally in 1982, and reprinted a few years ago (and still available) in a new edition. Also, Love on the Streets: Selected and New Poems is forthcoming sometime in the near future from University of Pittsburgh Press. More of her work (poetry, short stories, and other writing) is available if you go looking.


Thirty-five years ago today, September 11, 1973, the U.S. government participated in an act of political and military terrorism against the people and the elected government of Chile. An intelligent succinct account of the events of that time, and the context in broader U.S. foreign policy before and since, can be found in an article from September 2003 by Paul Street in the website of Z magazine, here.

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